Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Creating a Logon Banner

If you want to create a Logon Banner: A message box to appear below your logon on.

  1. Open RegEdit
  2. Go To
    For Windows 9x and ME -
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\
    CurrentVersion\ Winlogon

    For Windows 2000 XP 2003 Vista -
    Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon
  3. Create a new String value "LegalNoticeCaption "
  4. Enter the Title of the window. What is displayed in the Title Bar.
  5. Create a new string value "LegalNoticeText"
  6. Enter the text for your message box that will appear even before the Logon window.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tips & Tricks Opening BIOS Password

Sometimes we forget the BIOS password, or as I often experienced when
will install the computer the patient, the biosnya dipassword by the owner and not
tells the computer password, so that when a configuration change akan
bios experiencing difficulties. Usually, to open a password is done with
how to change the position of jumpers to remove the battery or the computer, a work which is very
making and risk. To remove the jumpers, we need a mother board manual
while removing the CMOS battery, in particular computer, especially the old product
usually battery disolder to mother board. If not carefully and any
mother board, can do damage.
Here is how to overcome the rush-rush is:

1. Standard BIOS backdoor passwords
With a password mengetikan the author by name (try one, and
note the size of the letters) as follows:
AWARD SW, AWARD_SW, Award SW, AWARD PW, award, awkward, J64,
j256, j262, j332, 01322222, 589589, 589721, 595595, 598598,
HLT, SER, SKY_FOX, ally, bonnieclyderip, Condo, CONCAT, TTPHA, aPAf,
If I failed at the top, another password that can be tested (for AMI, AWARD or BIOS
other) are:
LKWPETER, lkwpeter, BIOSTAR, biostar, BIOSSTAR, biosstar,

2. Opening the BIOS via software
If the above fails, you can open the bios password using the
DEBUG utility of msdos. We recommend that you do in msdos mode
pure, not from msdos shell in Windows.
After entry in the debug prompt, type the following command:
O 70 17
O 71 17
O 70 FF
O 71 17
C. Generic apply to all AT mother board (the board does not have XT
O 70 2E
O 71 FF
NOTE: The first character is the letter O is not 0.
After the steps above, reset the computer and you can change the configuration.

Friday, April 10, 2009

5 Most popular feature on Google

There are many special features in the Google search engine that can help us find what we find. In between you may already know about it.

Some of the features popular on Google, as quoted from Techdream, Friday (17/10/2008), is:

1. Simple mathematical calculation.
Google search engine can perform simple mathematical calculations such as Answer, multiplication, division, or reduction, as have the ability to function as a calculator. Type the numbers you want calculated and its sign in the calculation to the search engine box, for example: 5 +3 * 5, and press the Enter key or click the Search button on Google.

2. Currency conversion.
Currency conversion facility is also available in the Google search engine. Simply type the number sign followed by the currency you want to convert from the currency to a currency in the box to the desired search engine, for example: 100 USD in INR, and press Enter.

3. See the time in different cities around the world.
You can find out the local time in a city or other countries. Just type in the time [name of city / state] in the search box to find out easily with the local time in a city / state. Eg: time in Barcelona.

4. Conversion unit.
In addition to functioning as a calculator, Google search engine can also convert your size. For example: 100 inch in meters.

5. Check your spelling.
Google also have facilities to check spelling, the spelling words for common things such as names and places, which may not appear in the spell check program or dictionary standard.

Extend battery life in the BackTrack

Can your CPU do this? The idea is, I have a notebook and I want to extend the time of working on the nootbook without being pluged into the electric outlet. There are many possibilities how to do it. It definitely means that you have installed linux based operating system. You can save something by taking away modules that are unnecessary for hardware or by reducing the backlight of LCD. And what is the second biggest time glutton right after LCD? Yes, it is the CPU. The are two possible solutions how to save something from the battery. So called throttling is simply a thing that inserts into the processor a command “don´t do anything, don´t count anything, don´t search anything”. The time of this depends on the setting and it can last miliseconds up to seconds. The processor takes the same amount of electricity but it cools itself and therefore the cooling fan does not turn on so often and you should save something. What saves for sure is to bring down the CPU frequency.

CPU with reduced frequency is good to use when you work with a text or when you are doing a not so demanding calculation work. When reducing the frequency the CPU should not get warm so much. Unfortunately I have not tested it so far so I can´t tell the temperature differences before and after. But I´m pretty sure that this gave me about 15-20 minut of the battery life. Then when taking away modules such as sound card, ethernet, wi-fi, etc. simply everything except the keyboard LCD HDD Touchpad, the notebook will last for 4 hours. And thats nice. I´m planning to test it besides this in combination with throttlingem, but about this next time.

And now, how to do it. If you find out that your processor supports scaling (steping) you can go further. So you can install utility cpufrequtills002 from My distro Backtrack3 (Slackware) had some troubles with compilation, so I downloaded from module cpufreq.ko (*.ko yes it´s from an older distribution, now it uses *.lzm). Converting is possible with utility ko2lzm. After converting add cpufreq.lzm to modules folder and restart. After restart it was necessary in my case to load module for CPU frequency steping - p4-clockmode.

Cloning Hardisk with Xcopy

Cloning is the term for the process of regeneration that exactly match the parent / original. Use of this cloning, is the fastest way to make the installation of Windows and application programs, in just minutes without having to wait too long, such as manually biasanya.ini I have ever been and just try not to take 5 minutes to cloning program windows and office applications, winamp, acdsee, WinZip. nice eh?

How easy is, we take advantage of the facilities already provided in the windows folder c: \ windows \ command. Follow the steps as follows:

Instalkan the Windows operating system along with the application programs needed to be a hard drive that will be parent / source and place it on the Primary IDE Master.
Booting from the hard drive master, and remember the hard drive must be on the second IDE Slave ya ...
Use Ms-Dos prompt with the way Windows click Start> Programs> Ms-Dos Prompt.
C appears after the command prompt type format d: u or format d: / q / u format to speed up the process.
When done, come out from the windows directory with the command cd .., and press enter,
And Then type the following command: xcopy / h / e / r / y / s / c / kc: d: press enter to begin the process of cloning.
When done, turn off your computer and try booting from the hard drive cloning results of our earlier.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

add Smileys in Shoutmix

Many blog add Smileys in Shoutmix. Very easy to do. The first step to login to shoutmix. Then select Display
Style & Colors
Date & Time
Smileys (Click this one.)
Custom CSS
Then enter the code image url smiley (smiley icon select image, then load up on imagesuck or on photobuchket.
Enter the code, click add and then save the settings ... finished.

Hide Drive Computers

For some reason at any time we may have to hide the drive (C, D, E, ..) on our computer.
Here are two alternatives that can be done to hide or remove the drive from the windows without going through our registry editor, and without using additional software.
The first way is to use diskpart command, and how to use both gpedit (group policy editor), that both of them equally easy to do.

First way is to use the diskpart
1. Click Start -> Run -> type cmd -> click OK
2. type diskpart -> press enter

3. type list volume -> press enter (to see the list of drives in the computer)

Specify the drive that will be hidden, for example, here we will hide drive D
4. type select volume 3 -> press Enter
5. type remove letter D -> press Enter
type exit to exit diskpart.
(check to see results in my computer, in some cases the computer should restart in the first).

To Restore or re-display the hidden drive, do the same steps from 1 to 4
In step 5 command changed to:
type assign letter D

Second way is to use the gpedit (group policy editor)
1. Click Start -> Run -> type gpedit.msc -> click OK

2. Users double-click Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Explorer -> then select Specified Hide these drives in my computer in the right window

Specified Hide Window on drives in My Computer: select enable, and then specify the drive that will be hidden (restrict)

For example here is the hidden akan drive D, then select the Restrict D drive only, then click Apply -> OK
Check in My Computer to see the results.

To show again, do the same sequence of steps, and then on the window Specified Hide drives in My Computer select Not Configured option -> click Apply -> OK

met to try ... .!!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

disable/enable the windows hotkeys combinations

Today tip help you to restrict your computer users to play with windows hotkeys combinations. Yon can disable any specific windows hotkeys or all combination keys for users. Using registry editor, you can implement this task in all windows versions with minimum effort.
Follow the given steps to disable windows hotkeys combinations:
To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.
Click Start button and type regedit in Run option then press Enter for next.
Here locate the location to:
Here in right side panel, right click to create a new DWORD value with the name NoWinKeys
(it is case sensitive) or modify the existing value called NoWinKeys values and assign number 1 in value data box.
Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.

But next time, if you want to enable windows hotkeys combinations then simply change the value of data box or delete the NoWinKeys DWORD item.